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Kevin was a guest artist in 2016-2017


“ I’ve been interpreting my surroundings through artistic expression since I could see” says Kevin, one of The Inkery’s newest resident artists. While pursuing a music career in Texas in the late 1990’s, Kevin’s artistic skill was noticed by local tattoo artists and he was invited to do an apprenticeship. For the next ten years Kevin worked with clients to create custom tattoo designs and worked at shops both in Texas and Ontario. Kevin boasts an eclectic style that he describes as “a collaboration inspired by both myself and the client.” Bold line work and bright graphic color show up in Kevin’s designs, and Kevin always adds his personal touch to every piece. After a brief hiatus in which Kevin impacted his community through social activism and working with local marginalized populations, Kevin is back in the chair and ready to create your dream tattoo with you.

The Inkery gave Kevin an opportunity to step back into tattooing and we saw a renewed spark within Kevin and it was a pleasure to witness.

Please enjoy viewing some of his work shown below.

You can follow Kevin on Instagram

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